Video Of Our Ministry including Makoko

Monday, March 8, 2010

Friday Afternoon March 5th

Soul Winning in my newly painted Canoe! Brightest in the Village
This lovely lady, Juana was the first person to come
visit me in my house. She was very upset with me saying,
through an interpreter that she had seen me go from house
to house in my canoe and I had not come across the water
from my house to hers. She asked me to come pray with her.
I went by with Segun Babalola, the man in the striped shirt.
We sat on her living room floor, on pieces of cardboard boxes,
that were her only seats. With Segun intrepreting, I shared
Jesus Christ with her and she and her two
sons. Musthapa, and Solomon, trusted Christ.
She may be poor in this world but rich in Christ.
Students in the upstairs of the school sitting on their
new benches at their brand new desks.